I can barely contain my excitement (though I do pretty well at hiding it...) that I have reached my 100th post! I tentatively put a paw through the door of Blogville nearly 8 months ago and then in a flash, here we are!
When I first mentioned to Mum that I might like to record my musings for posterity, I never dreamed so many other dogs and cats were doing the same. It was like a whole world existed that I knew nothing about. Most of my blogging pals and I will probably never meet in the fur, but I feel as if I have made some really good friends, and for that I would like to thank each and everyone of you. I would never have thought that such love friendship and support could come from complete strangers. Joining the Blogville community has been such a positive experience for me and I know Mums have thoroughly enjoyed helping me record my thoughts and reading about my pals all over the world.
So thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome. And thanks for some of the best laughs ever! Hey, I even met my love Beryl and what could be better than that!
Here's to the next 100! Cheers everyone!
Your Pal
Deccy xxx